The Internet of Things, (IoT) means that every object you can think of (phones, switchboards, vehicles, home systems, robots, etc.) access the internet and communicate with other devices. IoT devices communicate with people and provide information about the state of things.

As a common platform for excellent solutions that we provide as SOLEX, we strive to offer you all the benefits of IoT. You can read the details on the relevant page or contact us to understand and see the benefits of IoT infrastructures in the services and solutions we offer.


It is an infrastructure established to optimally operate the network reserve by controlling the energy production plants, consumers and energy storage systems with a central control software. With the development of IoT systems, technologically, too many units can be controlled on a single platform. As SOLEX, we aim to be the first practitioners of this new technology in our country. We will try to be a common meeting point for engineers interested in this field and to spread R & D studies and commercial applications.

Due to the uncertainty of the time period of the day and how much energy needs will be in demand, the demand for energy storage technologies for uninterrupted delivery of energy to the consumer at the time of demand is increasing. VPPs created with software infrastructures also pave the way for the optimal realization of these investments.